We finally got our hands on Troy Chin's THE RESIDENT TOURIST book 5 today. Book 5 (which got thicker) is a hard read. And by HARD read, it meant emotionally and literally in terms of text heavy. In case you have no idea, THE RESIDENT TOURIST is an auto-biography of the author/artist Troy Chin who gave up his more than comfy job in New York and started drawing comics in Singapore. For most part, it is about an individual overcoming adversities and the unique "views" of Singaporeans from cultural to political. Funny, witty and familiar, the story itself includes of things we used to know, used to do and used to love. Having read may comics, (or so we claim) the biography is really interesting as for the first time, someone out there is literally going his way out for passion and doing the things we all fear; follow your dreams.
Until Book 5 came along.
If at this point of time, you have grown interest in this story, it is about time you click HERE to preview some pages and HERE to buy the book. It is more than a simple story of a man chasing dreams with dark humor and familiar situations we all have been. It is a painful story and we sure wish we can tell you why. If you haven't read comics before or haven't heard of this book, you should really, and we meant REALLY start from this one because:
1) It is made in Singapore
1) It is made in Singapore
2) You will start thinking about your life.
3) It is remarkably good in quality
Until you reach Book 5, don't stop. Don't miss any text bubble.