Thursday, November 11, 2010

Graphite Rendering

Wall Display: Viola, its mid week and things are piling up on us. Our assignment on graphite rendering got displayed! The top image didn't come out well on our camera but as you can see on the wall display, the values and tones has much more variation. This assignment was insane because we decided to work on the difference in gray value in general.

Our thought process: If you take a closer look at our drawing, you'll probably notice the unconventional composition and rendering approach we took. First off, as artists we normally follow traditional composition rules like, 1) avoid having items at isolated corners which will distract the audience (we did it on bottom left corner) 2) avoid cropping away items chipping off things ( we did it to the toys on the left and top) But if you step back and take a look at our contemporary approach, the drawing still has a visual balance. That is because we planted a few hidden elements within which holds the drawing together even though we broke those traditional rules in composition. If you take a closer look at the values, there are only 3 main dark "spots" in the drawing which forms an invisible triangulation that ties the drawing to the center. Though our rendering seems light, you are still able to tell a certain depth out of the drawing which is what we wanted to experiment; using light gray values to depict and emote the drawing.

The hardest part in drawing especially in values is to be able to create depth just with gray. Just like in singing, although the chorus of a song normally has the highest pitch but they tend to be the easiest to remember and sing. The hardest and important part in vocal singing actually lies in the verse which tells the story and builds up the chorus. In the case of drawing, it is actually those gray values. We'll probably be working on a series of gray value studies from now on.

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