Friday, December 17, 2010

Child's Play Update

An update to our post here, we have move on to our second painting of the series with a screen shot of our progress and a update of the previous painting. Not exactly happy with the first one but guess it can't be helped because we're experimenting a new painting style and hopefully we'll be able to settle on a unique one that will represent our work well. Hope you like them.

#we've changed our avatar!!

Daddy Go Round

Puppeteer painting in progress

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

STGCC Exhibition

The annual Singapore Games and Comic Convention just ended last Sunday. According to close friends, the event was way bigger and seems like more artists in Singapore are holding booths with great sales. Though we weren't there physically, our works were being exhibited in a small corner under the National Library.

Monday, December 13, 2010

New Illustration Series: Child's Play

This is a new set of color illustration that we're working on but after three days the progress has been very slow. We're caught in a few issues especially the characters. We'll update this in a later time but for now, this is where we're at.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog To Print

Fancy Printing Your Own BLOG? : We found an extremely interesting website call BlogToPrint. Basically, the website does what it says: Prints your Blog into an actual book without the hassle of you needing to organize anything. If you're using a blogger account like us, you can type in your blog address and preview the book before printing it. The website will help you to organize your post. COOL X 100.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December Trees

We're currently working on a couple of pen illustrations regarding trees for a friend. Getting back to sketching on our little sketchbook has been fun and enjoyable partly because we've been lagging behind in terms of creative outputs. After using digital software for such a long while, nothing beats traditional form. There's just some magical or wizard craft around it that is extremely hard to explain.

We will post the drawings once its approved and we've got a new 3 page comic sketched out waiting to be cleaned up! (However it'll only be done when our computer keyboard gets delivered by amazon next week.

More stuff to come!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Projects and Projects and Projects

Hi everyone, the holidays will be coming to an end for us soon as we daze off into korean drama and movies daily. With 2 weeks of slow progress in work we've decided to buck up and move forward starting... NOW. Why the rush and sudden change you asked? Well, if you follow this link HERE to dantat's blog site you'll understand why. We really should be working hard right now during our youth and not taking things easy. (^__^) With that said, here's a slight glimpse of the short film we're currently working on.

Sketch of city scape.

building variations

Concept sketch 1

Concept Sketch 2